Wednesday 2 April 2008

See the tower block plans for yourself

Want to see what's in store for the Arcade? The council and St Modwen aren't all that good at consultation. So most people haven't had the chance to see what's planned for the Arcade site. Fortunately, we've managed to get hold of a set of the presentation St Modwen put on display at their brief consultation event. It should give you a feel for the monstrosity planned for Walthamstow.
Click on the "Read more..." link below to see all of the initial plans.

Simply click on one of the pages if you want to see it big enough to read the words...

Page 1
Note how the tower block bit is hidden as much as possible!

Page 2 Ah, there's the tower block looming over low-rise Walthamstow.

Page 3 St Modwen shows that it understands the site's context. And then blatantly disregards it with plans that don't include the EMD and that overshadow the surrounding houses and street market!

Page 4 The immortal words "It's (sic) elegant form could be as high as 18 storeys".

Page 5 Design philosophy: "The investigate the opportunity to incorporate a landmark tall building". Developer speak for £££.

Page 6 Some waffle about how they can make their huge metal and glass tower block sustainable by putting a bit of grass on the roof of one bit.

Page 7 Interesting they flag up Edmonton Green Shopping Centre, which locals tell us has been the kiss of death to their own street market.

Page 8 What happens next? If you don't want to see this 18-storey tower block in Walthamstow then get involved with Fight The Height!

Page 9 "Your views contribute"? The brief consultation has been and gone. Your only official chance to get involved now is with the planning application. But it's crucial that residents unite to tell the council and St Modwen that this tower block is not welcome...

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